{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}

module Parse.Templates where

import Aux (tupToList)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import CGen.Typed (CShow(..), showForC)
import Control.Applicative ((<|>))
import Control.Monad (liftM, mfilter)
import Data.List ((\\))
import Data.Maybe (listToMaybe)
import Data.Text.Aux (parens)
import Data.Tuple (swap)
import Data.Typeable (typeOf, Typeable(..), TyCon(..), TypeRep(..), mkTyConApp, splitTyConApp)
import Foreign.C.Types
import Foreign.Ptr
import TextShow (TextShow(..), fromText, showt)
import TextShow.Generic (genericShowbPrec)
import GHC.Generics (Generic(..))

--  Parse.Templates
--    make CType -> String templates (e.g. CUInt -> String)
--    should be able to use Show, except for "longer" types

import qualified Data.Text as T (Text, append, concat, intercalate, singleton, pack, unwords)


data NamedVar = NameVar { varType :: T.Text
                        , varName :: T.Text
                        } deriving (Eq, Generic, Show)

instance TextShow NamedVar where
  showb NameVar {varType = vt, varName = vn} = fromText $ T.append vt $ T.cons ' ' vn

-- `CFunctionTemplate` consists of: function name, return type, list of input (type, var), function body
data CFunctionTemplate = CFunTempl { returnType   :: T.Text
                                   , functionName :: T.Text
                                   , inputVars    :: [NamedVar]
                                   , functionBody :: T.Text
                                   } deriving (Eq, Generic, Show)

instance TextShow CFunctionTemplate where
  showbPrec = genericShowbPrec

data NamedVal a = NameVal { valName  :: T.Text,
                            value    :: a
                          } deriving (Eq, Generic, Show)

instance TextShow a => TextShow (NamedVal a) where
  showbPrec = genericShowbPrec

unTemplate :: CFunctionTemplate -> T.Text
unTemplate ct = T.concat [ returnType ct
                         , T.singleton ' '
                         , functionName ct
                         , parens . T.intercalate (T.pack ", ") . map showt . inputVars $ ct
                         , functionBody ct

fetchVar :: NamedVal a -> [NamedVar] -> (Maybe NamedVar, [NamedVar])
fetchVar nv@(NameVal {valName = vn}) vs = (listToMaybe fetched, vs \\ fetched)
    fetched = filter ((== vn) . varName) vs

-- | Converts a `NamedVar` to a dummy variable, e.g. @int x@ to @int dummy_x@
dumifyNamedVar :: NamedVar -> NamedVar
dumifyNamedVar NameVar {varType = vt, varName = vn} = NameVar {varType = vt, varName = T.append "dummy_" vn}

updateInputVar :: NamedVal a -> CFunctionTemplate -> [(T.Text, T.Text)]
updateInputVar ct v = undefined

-- λ> insertAfterNewline "hi" "you say \n sometimes"
-- "you say hi\n sometimes"
insertAfterNewline :: T.Text -> T.Text -> T.Text
insertAfterNewline x y = before `T.append` x `T.append` after
    (before, after) = T.span (/= '\n') y

namedVarDeclaration :: (CShow a, CTypeable a) => NamedVal a -> T.Text
namedVarDeclaration v = T.concat [ toCType  . value $ v
                                 , valName            v
                                 , "="
                                 , showForC . value $ v
                                 , ";\n"

declareNamedVar :: (CShow a, CTypeable a) => CFunctionTemplate -> NamedVal a -> T.Text
declareNamedVar ct v = namedVarDeclaration v `insertAfterNewline` functionBody ct

-- fixNamedVar :: CFunctionTemplate -> NamedVal a -> CFunctionTemplate
-- fixNamedVar ct v = ct {inputVars = updateInputVar ct v, functionBody = declareNamedVar ct v}

-- Requirements to fix a variable:
-- 1. variable name is in inputVars
-- 2. type input is the same type

-- CGen.Typed.showForC

update :: (a -> Maybe a) -> a -> a
update f x = let Just y = f x <|> Just x in y

-- updateWith ::

-- tt x y = mfilter (\z -> cTypeRep z == typeOf (value x)) . lookup (valName x) . map swap . inputVars $ y

-- fixVar :: CFunctionTemplate -> a -> CFunctionTemplate
-- fixVar ct x = if isJust varCType
--                  then if xTypeRep == cTypeRep (fromJust varCType)
--                          then SUBSTITUTE
--                          else Left ct
--                  else Left ct
--   where
--     xText      = showt  x
--     xTypeRep   = typeOf x
--     varCType = lookup xText . map swap . inputVars $ ct

-- cTypeRep :: T.Text -> TypeRep

-- typeOf (undefined :: ())       void
-- typeOf (undefined :: CPtrdiff) ptrdiff_t
-- typeOf (undefined :: CIntPtr)
-- typeOf (undefined :: CClock)
-- typeOf (undefined :: CFile)
-- typeOf (undefined :: CSize) size_t
-- typeOf (undefined :: CUIntPtr)
-- typeOf (undefined :: CTime)
-- typeOf (undefined :: CFpos)
-- typeOf (undefined :: CJmpBuf)
-- typeOf (undefined :: CWchar)
-- typeOf (undefined :: CIntMax)
-- typeOf (undefined :: CUSeconds)
-- typeOf (undefined :: CSigAtomic)
-- typeOf (undefined :: CUIntMax)
-- typeOf (undefined :: CSUSeconds)
-- Don't forget void, void *, etc. (IO (), Ptr ())

cTypeRep :: T.Text -> TypeRep
cTypeRep "char"                   = typeOf (undefined :: CChar)

cTypeRep "signed char"            = typeOf (undefined :: CSChar)

cTypeRep "unsigned char"          = typeOf (undefined :: CUChar)

cTypeRep "short"                  = typeOf (undefined :: CShort)
cTypeRep "short int"              = typeOf (undefined :: CShort)
cTypeRep "signed short"           = typeOf (undefined :: CShort)
cTypeRep "signed short int"       = typeOf (undefined :: CShort)

cTypeRep "unsigned short"         = typeOf (undefined :: CUShort)
cTypeRep "unsigned short int"     = typeOf (undefined :: CUShort)

cTypeRep "int"                    = typeOf (undefined :: CInt)
cTypeRep "signed"                 = typeOf (undefined :: CInt)
cTypeRep "signed int"             = typeOf (undefined :: CInt)

cTypeRep "unsigned"               = typeOf (undefined :: CUInt)
cTypeRep "unsigned int"           = typeOf (undefined :: CUInt)

cTypeRep "long"                   = typeOf (undefined :: CLong)
cTypeRep "long int"               = typeOf (undefined :: CLong)
cTypeRep "signed long"            = typeOf (undefined :: CLong)
cTypeRep "signed long int"        = typeOf (undefined :: CLong)

cTypeRep "unsigned long"          = typeOf (undefined :: CULong)
cTypeRep "unsigned long int"      = typeOf (undefined :: CULong)

cTypeRep "long long"              = typeOf (undefined :: CLLong)
cTypeRep "long long int"          = typeOf (undefined :: CLLong)
cTypeRep "signed long long"       = typeOf (undefined :: CLLong)
cTypeRep "signed long long int"   = typeOf (undefined :: CLLong)

cTypeRep "unsigned long long"     = typeOf (undefined :: CULLong)
cTypeRep "unsigned long long int" = typeOf (undefined :: CULLong)

cTypeRep "float"                  = typeOf (undefined :: CFloat)

cTypeRep "double"                 = typeOf (undefined :: CDouble)

cTypeRep str  | T.last stripped == '*' = toPtrTypeRep . cTypeRep . T.strip . T.init $ stripped
              | T.last stripped == ']' = error $ "cTypeRep needs to support arrays with length: " ++ show stripped
              | otherwise             = error $ "cTypeRep does not support: " ++ show stripped
    stripped = T.strip str

class Typeable a => CTypeable a where
  toCType :: a -> T.Text

-- λ> cTypeRep "char"
-- CChar
-- λ> cTypeRep "char *"
-- Ptr CChar
-- λ> cTypeRep "char **"
-- Ptr (Ptr CChar)
-- λ> cTypeRep "char ***"
-- Ptr (Ptr (Ptr CChar))
-- λ> cTypeRep "char   ** *"
-- Ptr (Ptr (Ptr CChar))

-- | Pseudocode illustrative example:
-- @
-- toPtrTypeRep Int == Ptr Int
-- @
toPtrTypeRep :: TypeRep -> TypeRep
toPtrTypeRep = applyTypeRep (undefined :: Ptr ())

-- | See `toPtrTypeRep`
toFunPtrTypeRep :: TypeRep -> TypeRep
toFunPtrTypeRep = applyTypeRep (undefined :: FunPtr ())

-- | Get the `TyCon` type of the first argument and apply it to the `TypeRep`
-- of the second
applyTypeRep :: Typeable a => a -> TypeRep -> TypeRep
applyTypeRep = typeRepCons . typeConHead

-- | Analogous to `(:)` for lists, where the element is a `TyCon` and the list
-- is a `TypeRep`
typeRepCons :: TyCon -> TypeRep -> TypeRep
typeRepCons = (. return) . mkTyConApp

-- | Get the `head` of a type, e.g.
-- >>> `typeRepHead (undefined :: IO Int)
-- IO
typeConHead :: Typeable a => a -> TyCon
typeConHead = fst . splitTyConApp . typeOf

-- long double
-- not currently supported by GHC

-- | fixVar is idempotent
-- fixVar :: NamedVar a -> CFunctionTemplate -> CFunctionTemplate