cplug- Recompile and run partially applied C functions in Haskell, during runtime

Safe HaskellNone



Deprecated: All derivation should be covered by Class.hs



oneFix :: Int -> Text Source

Example: `oneFix 13 = Text.pack "Fix a32"`

fixes :: Int -> Text Source

`fixes 3 == pack "Fix a3 -> Fix a2 -> Fix a1"`

makeFwr :: Int -> Text Source

`makeFwr 2 == pack "Fix a2 -> Fix a1 -> Wrapped f r"`

makeFws :: Int -> Text Source

`makeFws 2 == pack "Fix a2 -> Fix a1 -> Wrapped g s"`

wr :: Text Source

"Wrapped f r"

ws :: Text Source

"Wrapped g s"

makeLambdaXs :: Int -> Text Source

`makeLambdaXs 3 == pack "\x1 x2 x3 ->"`

genInstance :: Int -> Text Source

Generate the text for an instance of the class Compilable with n arguments of the form `Fix ai`

classStr :: [String] Source

Raw text used by classText

classText :: Text Source

Text form of Compilable